The River Says...
Gwnaeth Twm, Patrick, Aidan a Mark o Burum gyfuno gyda'r bardd clare e potter i neud sioe newydd i blant 'The River Says...'. Gwnaeth Clare Potter and the Slipper Fish berfformio yng Ngwyl Agor Drysau Arad Goch, ac hefyd yn ysgol Plascrug, Aberystwyth ac Ysgol Pwll Coch yng Nghaerdydd. Mae'r sioe yn cyfuno barddoniaeth a cerddoriaeth ac yn mynd ar daith gyda'r afon ac yn cwrdd a cymeriadau niferus ar y ffordd. Gobeithio y bydd cyfle i neud fwy gyda'r cyd-weithio yma yn y dyfodol!
Tom, Pat, Aidan and Mark teamed up with clare e potter to create a new show for children 'The River Says...' Clare Potter and the Slippery Fish performed at the prestigious Open Doors Festival in Aberystwyth, curated by Arad Goch , and at Plascrug School, Aberystwyth and Pwll Coch School, Cardiff. The show combines poetry and music as we follow a river down from it's source to the sea and meet numerous characters on the way. We hope there'll be chance to perform this again sometime!